Sunday, October 12, 2008
Magical Moments
I am experiencing a very magical moment as I have acquiesced to my Son’s and Friend’s wishes and disappeared!!! Jeffy asked me to make a bonfire on the beach and I did so. I got a roaring fire going, chairs around it and out he came with his friends and girlfriend Lacie. He looked at me and asked, “so what are you going to do Dad?” I told him, “Disappear!” Boy, what a smile overcame his face. Little does he know I am sitting up here on the second story, in the dark, seeing every little detail of the bonfire and goings on---it’s like watching a movie, watching teenagers in an aquarium. In any case, I am brought back to being 15 again on Douglas Lake after a day of fishing and water skiing, and having a big roaring bonfire on the beach, trading jibes with my buds, flirting with some girls---wow, what a time. And now, I am watching my very popular, star athlete son doing the same thing only better---it is good to be Jeffy right now. Jeffy is living life to the fullest.
His girlfriend is “drop dead gorgeous” as they say, she has got to be one of the most sought after girls in the 5 county area, no lie. I haven’t had such luck since Botany Class at J.U. when I was mesmerized by a girl named Jomay sitting in the front row, asking all the questions I wanted to ask, but couldn’t formulate the words. She probably never noticed me, although she says she did---I was already an old fart in Mackinac Khakis, shuffling about, thinking I would be a bearded marine scientist in the Florida Keys, living on sunshine and whatever I could catch. I never imagined that I would be the proud recipient of the Worlds Most Beautiful Woman. How did that happen to me? I don’t know, but it’s a lot better than anything on Earth can offer being married to Jomay.
But now, I realize and look fondly on the fact that Jeffy might find his Jomay. He’s smart, talented, cute, athletic and NORMAL!!!!! Isn’t that great???? What more could a father hope for in this chaotic society? I have a son that likes school, math, fishing, football and girls!!!! Wow. Rest assured, I have been over and over with him on the rules of life, respecting women, etc. You know, I think he believes it, I think he has the Christian Heart afterall.
I woke up today anticipating a magical moment. I found so many of them. I just knew when I woke up there would be magic today. I just stepped back and received them. I knew that the moon would be close to full and got the telescope ready to see the man on the moon. I knew I would go to eat breakfast at the Country Girl Diner with my son and then take him to Church, to Worship the Creator. I knew I would come home and close up the work I had to do to be ready for my Contractor tomorrow. I knew that I would have the pleasure to talk to my wife. Indeed, that is the most important part of this magical moment---realizing I already have what most people want. Even, what Jeffy out there at the bonfire wants and is looking for---a life partner, a shining beautiful prize. Hey, already have mine. I certainly pray and hope you find yours too!!!
His girlfriend is “drop dead gorgeous” as they say, she has got to be one of the most sought after girls in the 5 county area, no lie. I haven’t had such luck since Botany Class at J.U. when I was mesmerized by a girl named Jomay sitting in the front row, asking all the questions I wanted to ask, but couldn’t formulate the words. She probably never noticed me, although she says she did---I was already an old fart in Mackinac Khakis, shuffling about, thinking I would be a bearded marine scientist in the Florida Keys, living on sunshine and whatever I could catch. I never imagined that I would be the proud recipient of the Worlds Most Beautiful Woman. How did that happen to me? I don’t know, but it’s a lot better than anything on Earth can offer being married to Jomay.
But now, I realize and look fondly on the fact that Jeffy might find his Jomay. He’s smart, talented, cute, athletic and NORMAL!!!!! Isn’t that great???? What more could a father hope for in this chaotic society? I have a son that likes school, math, fishing, football and girls!!!! Wow. Rest assured, I have been over and over with him on the rules of life, respecting women, etc. You know, I think he believes it, I think he has the Christian Heart afterall.
I woke up today anticipating a magical moment. I found so many of them. I just knew when I woke up there would be magic today. I just stepped back and received them. I knew that the moon would be close to full and got the telescope ready to see the man on the moon. I knew I would go to eat breakfast at the Country Girl Diner with my son and then take him to Church, to Worship the Creator. I knew I would come home and close up the work I had to do to be ready for my Contractor tomorrow. I knew that I would have the pleasure to talk to my wife. Indeed, that is the most important part of this magical moment---realizing I already have what most people want. Even, what Jeffy out there at the bonfire wants and is looking for---a life partner, a shining beautiful prize. Hey, already have mine. I certainly pray and hope you find yours too!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Water, Winter, Wonderland
I live in a Water, Winter, Wonderland. In fact, that used to be on the Official License Plate of the Great State of Michigan: “Water, Winter, Wonderland.” The turbid, stormy waters of the current financial, stock market crisis in the world parallels my own crisis here somewhat. There just aren’t enough people willing to swim with the tide and they panic and sell and on an on and what fools we are…
I however, have been swimming in well water and mudd. My geothermal heat pump guys told me that there were wide fluctuations in my water pressure and that over time that would wear on the pumps, heat pump and well pump. I have never been satisfied with my water flow here---despite being on one of the world’s most incredible aquifers---my outflow was about 5 gallons/minute at the spigot. My neighbor has about 60 gallons a minute of fresh clear 50 degree water, no lie. In fact, the well people told me they didn’t want to go deeper with my well because of the possibility of finding “catastrophic flows.” They showed me pictures of rivers they have created out here, by tapping into mother lodes of water. They have had to call in special teams that go around the world capping off heavy flow water wells.
Anyway, the geothermal guys were able to adjust the furnace to obtain adequate flows and I still had enough water for living, showering, brushing teeth, etc. However, guests have commented on how you have good flow in the shower for a couple minutes, and then it sort of trickles for awhile. So I went back to my well driller friends and told them my predicament. They told me I need another pressure tank to balance the flows. I had a 6 gallon pressure tank buried by the well and they put in a 10 gallon tank in the crawl space yesterday while I worked. I came home at lunch and they were gone. I went to the sink and had but a trickle of water. I now had about 3 gallons/minute and as the evening progressed, I didn’t have ANY water, nothing. I played with the shut off valve at the well, I went into the crawl space and checked all the fittings---having to dig thru a foot of pea gravel under flashlight, my fingers are still numb. I’m thinking this isn’t going to be good for Jeffy in the morning, needing to shower and smell good for homecoming and his girlfriend. However, I found a gallon of distilled water and put it by the bathroom sink for him and he managed to get ready.
Now, imagine, next to my house is a stream from the aquifer running at about 50 gallons/minute. Out front of my house is Lake Michigan. Less than a mile from the house is a heavily flowing RIVER and I have NOTHING. This can’t be right, I called the well people several times and got the answering machine. I called them at 1300, 1600, 2200 and again at 2400 as I emerged from the crawl space covered in mudd, but no response. At some point, I gave up and went to bed. In the morning I played with the curbside shut off valve some more and was able to get a trickle to clean up Abby’s piddle and make some coffee and brush my teeth. The well guy called, they would be out about 1500 and will work as long as it takes to get my water back. I went into town to the diner and had breakfast and watched their T.V. chronicle all of our losses, flowing like the neighbors well, into the pit. I went back home and busted butt all day finishing the insulation in the garage. The plumbing and heating guys came out to re-check my propane furnace in the big garage and diagnosed it as terminal, more bad news. Heat exchanger shot, not worth repairing, new furnace next week out there.
Anyway, the well guys did show up and dug out my shut off valve down into five feet of earth and found a very frozen ancient shut off valve that was leaking like a sieve. It has probably been leaking for years, just like my mutual funds. That would explain why I never had the water the guy who sunk the well told me I have. He said I should have 12 gallons a minute after the filter in the kitchen sink for crying out loud. But alas, I have only had 5. Now, with my two pressure tanks and new shut off valve, I can supply water to the city of Chicago. I can’t believe it---I have enough pressure to pressure wash old paint away. I only wish in my little microcosm of life that I could do the same for the world’s financial market, just replace a leaky old valve and get the flow back, but I can’t. However, it doesn’t matter, I am surrounded and infused with the best of living water. I can drink it, shower in it, fish in it, console my soul with it. This is a very good thing as I realize I will be the greeter at Wal-Mart in a few years. I can give medical advice as I give people their carts. But, I’ll be a happy man, going home to my little slice of heaven, my little piece of earth on the water.
I however, have been swimming in well water and mudd. My geothermal heat pump guys told me that there were wide fluctuations in my water pressure and that over time that would wear on the pumps, heat pump and well pump. I have never been satisfied with my water flow here---despite being on one of the world’s most incredible aquifers---my outflow was about 5 gallons/minute at the spigot. My neighbor has about 60 gallons a minute of fresh clear 50 degree water, no lie. In fact, the well people told me they didn’t want to go deeper with my well because of the possibility of finding “catastrophic flows.” They showed me pictures of rivers they have created out here, by tapping into mother lodes of water. They have had to call in special teams that go around the world capping off heavy flow water wells.
Anyway, the geothermal guys were able to adjust the furnace to obtain adequate flows and I still had enough water for living, showering, brushing teeth, etc. However, guests have commented on how you have good flow in the shower for a couple minutes, and then it sort of trickles for awhile. So I went back to my well driller friends and told them my predicament. They told me I need another pressure tank to balance the flows. I had a 6 gallon pressure tank buried by the well and they put in a 10 gallon tank in the crawl space yesterday while I worked. I came home at lunch and they were gone. I went to the sink and had but a trickle of water. I now had about 3 gallons/minute and as the evening progressed, I didn’t have ANY water, nothing. I played with the shut off valve at the well, I went into the crawl space and checked all the fittings---having to dig thru a foot of pea gravel under flashlight, my fingers are still numb. I’m thinking this isn’t going to be good for Jeffy in the morning, needing to shower and smell good for homecoming and his girlfriend. However, I found a gallon of distilled water and put it by the bathroom sink for him and he managed to get ready.
Now, imagine, next to my house is a stream from the aquifer running at about 50 gallons/minute. Out front of my house is Lake Michigan. Less than a mile from the house is a heavily flowing RIVER and I have NOTHING. This can’t be right, I called the well people several times and got the answering machine. I called them at 1300, 1600, 2200 and again at 2400 as I emerged from the crawl space covered in mudd, but no response. At some point, I gave up and went to bed. In the morning I played with the curbside shut off valve some more and was able to get a trickle to clean up Abby’s piddle and make some coffee and brush my teeth. The well guy called, they would be out about 1500 and will work as long as it takes to get my water back. I went into town to the diner and had breakfast and watched their T.V. chronicle all of our losses, flowing like the neighbors well, into the pit. I went back home and busted butt all day finishing the insulation in the garage. The plumbing and heating guys came out to re-check my propane furnace in the big garage and diagnosed it as terminal, more bad news. Heat exchanger shot, not worth repairing, new furnace next week out there.
Anyway, the well guys did show up and dug out my shut off valve down into five feet of earth and found a very frozen ancient shut off valve that was leaking like a sieve. It has probably been leaking for years, just like my mutual funds. That would explain why I never had the water the guy who sunk the well told me I have. He said I should have 12 gallons a minute after the filter in the kitchen sink for crying out loud. But alas, I have only had 5. Now, with my two pressure tanks and new shut off valve, I can supply water to the city of Chicago. I can’t believe it---I have enough pressure to pressure wash old paint away. I only wish in my little microcosm of life that I could do the same for the world’s financial market, just replace a leaky old valve and get the flow back, but I can’t. However, it doesn’t matter, I am surrounded and infused with the best of living water. I can drink it, shower in it, fish in it, console my soul with it. This is a very good thing as I realize I will be the greeter at Wal-Mart in a few years. I can give medical advice as I give people their carts. But, I’ll be a happy man, going home to my little slice of heaven, my little piece of earth on the water.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Color and the Redd
It is with profound sadness that I have said goodbye to my last salmon fishing visitor today. Eddy headed off back to Virginia about 0430, the last of the Marines. I put the Marine Corps Proud Red Flags away in a safe place and then put up my salmon rods for the winter. As I sit here and write and look out at the quarter moon over Lake Michigan, a flood of memories hits me from the journey of the last two weeks. I remember going out on the boat out front of the house and being just as amazed as Colonel Scott W. about the number of salmon jumping around us in 10 to 30 feet of water as we trolled. We didn’t catch anything that morning, but I have to say it was one of the most beautiful and enjoyable moments of fall salmon fishing for me. The wind laid down, the sun came up in it’s glorious fullness---and Scott and I enjoyed the glory of a sunrise on Lake Michigan---all the while listening to our comrades at the river mouth, and seeing them run up and down the beach fishing for the fish going up river.
The shooting was also enlightening. I can’t believe that I can now hit a bulls-eye on a target with a hand gun. I went from hitting the board the target was on with one shot, and the dirt with the other shots---to now hitting the money. Thanks for that Colonel W., I will go back to the range this week with the pistols you arranged for me to shoot and hit a few more centers for my teacher!!!
It was “nagnanimous” to come back to “Camp” by the way Dr. Todd, and have incredible meals waiting for us. I think if Todd decides to give up doctoring, he will give Emeril a run for his money. Did he give us a kick off and change of pace or what? I honestly didn’t know they cut steaks that thick. What was that---almost 3 inches I think. And it was incredibly enjoyable to eat the “maters” and peppers from his very own garden. The kids in town are still talking about the white convertible mustang and the trip to Jeffy’s football game. Thanks for doing that again Doctor! Thanks Todd for freshing up the party and putting up with a bunch of smelly old guys! I now know more about football thanks to Todd than any dumb dad who majored in guitar and girls in high school but never went out for sports.
The salmon cooperated for some of us---most notably Ed, who took back as much fresh and smoked salmon as he wanted. Eddy does like to catch the “bite” at the River Mouth doesn’t he? It’s fun to watch him go!!! Then, there’s Jeffy, who on his first trip to the river at the high gravel, fairly hooked a big king salmon in the mouth on his Grandfather’s Fly Rod and landed it on his first hour on the river. There were many very experienced fishermen with me who didn’t do that this year, so he’s pretty proud of himself. In fact, even those who didn’t catch salmon are pretty happy that happened to Jeffy. The other guys who visited me, Dr. Todd, Mike, Scott, Ron and Ed were a joy and a lot of fun to have around. I was a little anxious about the fireworks off the beach at ONE A.M. at first, but in retrospect realize it didn’t hurt or wake anybody up---and they were quite amazing fireworks.
We all knew that the salmon run was just beginning while they were here. There were scattered fish up on the gravel REDDS, but they were hard to catch, and not the usual number of egg-sucking rainbows present either. I got up early this morning before Church and hit the river, and yes, was dodging salmon around my legs. Sorry guys, you just missed the “mother lode” as Mike said, by a few days. That’s life, always a minute too short I guess. But, that’s one of the reasons I decided to move here---I can watch the fish come up, peak, and fade away and fish when I want to. You’ll just have to come back, and you are invited always, every year, forever if you want to, to help me enjoy and appreciate this incredible water wonderland.
For me, having caught more salmon than I can count, the pinnacle of this year’s fall fishing was Lake Fishing. I had the pleasure to have a “World-Class” Fisherman on my boat, Mike L. Mike helped me go from blue to red in terms of catching fish and “tasting blood”. I have fished with a lot of fishermen, from fishing guides in the Bahamas, Florida Keys to Alaska, but none of them was as knowledgeable and enjoyable to fish with as Mike. For the first time, I watched and saw the water in an entirely new light. In the past, I tried to catch fish and watched the water and if my approach/tackle/technique wasn’t working, I’d start to kick back and call it a day. I resigned myself to the fact that the fish just weren’t biting, and were in deep water somewhere. Mike taught me that the Fish are ALWAYS there and willing, you just have to find them. Water ANYWHERE, even at sewage outflows holds fish. The pics of you catching fish, even trout, in big cities near sewage lines, etc., will always be remembered. You just have to change up, adapt, persevere and you will start catching fish. In fact, I saw him do just that, changing flies and lines and hooking into largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, pike, muskie etc. As the Marines in Red, improvise, adapt, overcome, etc.
For me, this is a profound lesson. I now realize the fish are always there, always eating and living and catchable. They are faithful to their own purpose. As I reflect upon my friends and this incredible fishing trip, I am overwhelmed by their perserverance, friendship and how faithful they are to their purpose and the pursuit of friendship. Ed’s thank-you note that I found this morning to me summed it up—“Semper Fi” my brother, “Semper Fi”. Always faithfull, the fish, the friends. The red blood of my friendship, the red color of the Marine Corps Flag, the fish on the Redd. I am overwhelmed and thankful to the CREATOR above for this time. Thank You, and God Bless, and come on back Marines!!!
It is with profound sadness that I have said goodbye to my last salmon fishing visitor today. Eddy headed off back to Virginia about 0430, the last of the Marines. I put the Marine Corps Proud Red Flags away in a safe place and then put up my salmon rods for the winter. As I sit here and write and look out at the quarter moon over Lake Michigan, a flood of memories hits me from the journey of the last two weeks. I remember going out on the boat out front of the house and being just as amazed as Colonel Scott W. about the number of salmon jumping around us in 10 to 30 feet of water as we trolled. We didn’t catch anything that morning, but I have to say it was one of the most beautiful and enjoyable moments of fall salmon fishing for me. The wind laid down, the sun came up in it’s glorious fullness---and Scott and I enjoyed the glory of a sunrise on Lake Michigan---all the while listening to our comrades at the river mouth, and seeing them run up and down the beach fishing for the fish going up river.
The shooting was also enlightening. I can’t believe that I can now hit a bulls-eye on a target with a hand gun. I went from hitting the board the target was on with one shot, and the dirt with the other shots---to now hitting the money. Thanks for that Colonel W., I will go back to the range this week with the pistols you arranged for me to shoot and hit a few more centers for my teacher!!!
It was “nagnanimous” to come back to “Camp” by the way Dr. Todd, and have incredible meals waiting for us. I think if Todd decides to give up doctoring, he will give Emeril a run for his money. Did he give us a kick off and change of pace or what? I honestly didn’t know they cut steaks that thick. What was that---almost 3 inches I think. And it was incredibly enjoyable to eat the “maters” and peppers from his very own garden. The kids in town are still talking about the white convertible mustang and the trip to Jeffy’s football game. Thanks for doing that again Doctor! Thanks Todd for freshing up the party and putting up with a bunch of smelly old guys! I now know more about football thanks to Todd than any dumb dad who majored in guitar and girls in high school but never went out for sports.
The salmon cooperated for some of us---most notably Ed, who took back as much fresh and smoked salmon as he wanted. Eddy does like to catch the “bite” at the River Mouth doesn’t he? It’s fun to watch him go!!! Then, there’s Jeffy, who on his first trip to the river at the high gravel, fairly hooked a big king salmon in the mouth on his Grandfather’s Fly Rod and landed it on his first hour on the river. There were many very experienced fishermen with me who didn’t do that this year, so he’s pretty proud of himself. In fact, even those who didn’t catch salmon are pretty happy that happened to Jeffy. The other guys who visited me, Dr. Todd, Mike, Scott, Ron and Ed were a joy and a lot of fun to have around. I was a little anxious about the fireworks off the beach at ONE A.M. at first, but in retrospect realize it didn’t hurt or wake anybody up---and they were quite amazing fireworks.
We all knew that the salmon run was just beginning while they were here. There were scattered fish up on the gravel REDDS, but they were hard to catch, and not the usual number of egg-sucking rainbows present either. I got up early this morning before Church and hit the river, and yes, was dodging salmon around my legs. Sorry guys, you just missed the “mother lode” as Mike said, by a few days. That’s life, always a minute too short I guess. But, that’s one of the reasons I decided to move here---I can watch the fish come up, peak, and fade away and fish when I want to. You’ll just have to come back, and you are invited always, every year, forever if you want to, to help me enjoy and appreciate this incredible water wonderland.
For me, having caught more salmon than I can count, the pinnacle of this year’s fall fishing was Lake Fishing. I had the pleasure to have a “World-Class” Fisherman on my boat, Mike L. Mike helped me go from blue to red in terms of catching fish and “tasting blood”. I have fished with a lot of fishermen, from fishing guides in the Bahamas, Florida Keys to Alaska, but none of them was as knowledgeable and enjoyable to fish with as Mike. For the first time, I watched and saw the water in an entirely new light. In the past, I tried to catch fish and watched the water and if my approach/tackle/technique wasn’t working, I’d start to kick back and call it a day. I resigned myself to the fact that the fish just weren’t biting, and were in deep water somewhere. Mike taught me that the Fish are ALWAYS there and willing, you just have to find them. Water ANYWHERE, even at sewage outflows holds fish. The pics of you catching fish, even trout, in big cities near sewage lines, etc., will always be remembered. You just have to change up, adapt, persevere and you will start catching fish. In fact, I saw him do just that, changing flies and lines and hooking into largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, pike, muskie etc. As the Marines in Red, improvise, adapt, overcome, etc.
For me, this is a profound lesson. I now realize the fish are always there, always eating and living and catchable. They are faithful to their own purpose. As I reflect upon my friends and this incredible fishing trip, I am overwhelmed by their perserverance, friendship and how faithful they are to their purpose and the pursuit of friendship. Ed’s thank-you note that I found this morning to me summed it up—“Semper Fi” my brother, “Semper Fi”. Always faithfull, the fish, the friends. The red blood of my friendship, the red color of the Marine Corps Flag, the fish on the Redd. I am overwhelmed and thankful to the CREATOR above for this time. Thank You, and God Bless, and come on back Marines!!!
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