Sunday, October 12, 2008

Magical Moments

I am experiencing a very magical moment as I have acquiesced to my Son’s and Friend’s wishes and disappeared!!! Jeffy asked me to make a bonfire on the beach and I did so. I got a roaring fire going, chairs around it and out he came with his friends and girlfriend Lacie. He looked at me and asked, “so what are you going to do Dad?” I told him, “Disappear!” Boy, what a smile overcame his face. Little does he know I am sitting up here on the second story, in the dark, seeing every little detail of the bonfire and goings on---it’s like watching a movie, watching teenagers in an aquarium. In any case, I am brought back to being 15 again on Douglas Lake after a day of fishing and water skiing, and having a big roaring bonfire on the beach, trading jibes with my buds, flirting with some girls---wow, what a time. And now, I am watching my very popular, star athlete son doing the same thing only better---it is good to be Jeffy right now. Jeffy is living life to the fullest.

His girlfriend is “drop dead gorgeous” as they say, she has got to be one of the most sought after girls in the 5 county area, no lie. I haven’t had such luck since Botany Class at J.U. when I was mesmerized by a girl named Jomay sitting in the front row, asking all the questions I wanted to ask, but couldn’t formulate the words. She probably never noticed me, although she says she did---I was already an old fart in Mackinac Khakis, shuffling about, thinking I would be a bearded marine scientist in the Florida Keys, living on sunshine and whatever I could catch. I never imagined that I would be the proud recipient of the Worlds Most Beautiful Woman. How did that happen to me? I don’t know, but it’s a lot better than anything on Earth can offer being married to Jomay.

But now, I realize and look fondly on the fact that Jeffy might find his Jomay. He’s smart, talented, cute, athletic and NORMAL!!!!! Isn’t that great???? What more could a father hope for in this chaotic society? I have a son that likes school, math, fishing, football and girls!!!! Wow. Rest assured, I have been over and over with him on the rules of life, respecting women, etc. You know, I think he believes it, I think he has the Christian Heart afterall.

I woke up today anticipating a magical moment. I found so many of them. I just knew when I woke up there would be magic today. I just stepped back and received them. I knew that the moon would be close to full and got the telescope ready to see the man on the moon. I knew I would go to eat breakfast at the Country Girl Diner with my son and then take him to Church, to Worship the Creator. I knew I would come home and close up the work I had to do to be ready for my Contractor tomorrow. I knew that I would have the pleasure to talk to my wife. Indeed, that is the most important part of this magical moment---realizing I already have what most people want. Even, what Jeffy out there at the bonfire wants and is looking for---a life partner, a shining beautiful prize. Hey, already have mine. I certainly pray and hope you find yours too!!!

1 comment:

GJ LaFave said...


I just read your "bonfire" comments from a month ago and, right now, I am there, a teenager all over again. Beautifully written, my friend, and a welcome respite from the weather as I freeze my @$$ off here in Afghanistan. You need to write more, my friend, you have a gift. My light musings can be found at: love ya, Greg