Saturday, March 14, 2009

Standing Ovation

They say that when you are about 9 years old your interests and activities will be the harbinger of your life to come. They say that what you love to do then will be what you love to do when you are a working adult or an old man or lady. Now they is the smartest man that ever lived, we all know that….remember, what will they think of next? What did they ever mean by that? What where they thinking? Yeah, that they guy is a pretty smart dude, or your enemy depending on your perspective. In my case, it is so true, I remember when I was 9 I got my first guitar, and still wish I had it, could hold it, play it. But alas, it was a rental that my mother got me along with the lessons. After I quit going to lessons due to attitudinal adjustments my mother took the guitar back. What was wrong with that woman? (Yeah right). However, there were many other guitars to follow, thankfully. It was also the same time I was out searching the woods for “pollywogs” and bugs and lots of different critters. Enter the first of many “microscope” and “chemistry” youth sets. These were filled with a myriad number of tools and collection bottles and microscopes and chemicals for experimentation. I still have the biology text book from that era. I wore those kits out. Then, there was also the first fishing pole my Dad gave me and helped me learn to use…talk about conflicted!!! What was this boy to do with his life???

I also remember spending hours in our “kid’s room”in the basement working with these toys, having a great time in the shadow of my brother’s “Easy Bake Oven Kit”. Although he never became a professional Chef, he’s a damn good cook and a great host. Me, well, I have taken the love of “critters” and science into being a physician. Before that, I took the love of being in the field and collecting critters into being a marine scientist. I also parlayed my Father’s gift of the fishing pole and his love of fishing into a lifelong passion. However, all the while, I have felt the winds of music on the breeze and continued to play guitar and write songs until the present moment. In short, I was always conflicted about what to do with my life and wonder what would have happened if I had continued down the musical pathway. Actually, I now know, that of all I do, writing Nook Notes, Doctoring, being a scientist, and even fishing, I am at my best at writing songs and playing guitar. That may not be true for the listening public, but in my heart I am at my best during that time. I think at this point I have written more songs than the Beatles. Certainly, I have written more than Dolley Parton who I am told wrote around 300. If you ever get really bored, you can come verify this fact for yourself and dig thru my boxes of songs and notes about songs and get really tangled in the mess along with me!

After the age of nine we go on and experiment with many options, but once in awhile they remind us about the path in life we should take---tonight I was reminded about it once again. They was a crowd of people in the local coffee shop. Can you believe it? Yeah, we have several local coffee shops/restuarants in Naubinway. We have Shirley’s Cove, Beaudoin’s CafĂ©, Captain Carl’s, Pizza Pronto, The Country Girl Diner and then the Anchor Inn. In any case, only two of them have live music, Shirley’s Cove and the Anchor Inn. It wasn’t long before the bug to perform within me met up with another passionate musical soul (Tim) and along with my wife, the definition of music, we formed a singing trio.

Now, this Trio stemmed from Church, Tim being the Pastor, and my wife and I helping out on the music in Church. Well, that kind of makes bars or even Shirley’s Cove a tough venue, but thankfully the Anchor Inn was willing to have us perform. They were willing to have us play an eclectic mix of folk, pop, rock, bluegrass and gospel. So tonight was our debut. We were totally unplugged, no kidding, there was no sound system---we had to fill a very large room with original songs, gospel songs, bluegrass songs and Van Morrison and Eric Clapton and a myriad number of other songs without the benefit of electronics. I must admit I had a lot of trepidation. However, the concept of being right among the audience intrigued me. The night did not fail me. The audience was incredible, they joined in singing along even with original songs, clapping, stomping their feet and at the end, giving us a STANDING OVATION. I have never experienced a standing ovation, ever, it was amazing. As I reflect on it now, I can see why. There was this magical thing that happened, the two guitars blended so well, and Jomay on her keyboard filled in the gaps, and the harmonies blended and echoed into the room in a pleasant whisper of songs and talent. I, my partners, and the audience were transfixed. I can’t stop thinking about it. I remember looking in my wife’s eyes many times, and Tim’s, and just relishing in the energy that surrounded us. We were so blessed to have this opportunity, and the audience we had, and the gift of music.

During the intermission our daughters sang, and played, and lifted us all. I followed that with a song I wrote, “You’ll Always Be My Little Girl”. I moved up into the center of the room to play it and I think, really connected with the audience. I think I really embaressed my little girl, but in the long run, I think she appreciated it. Tim was amazing on guitar as usual. It is so much fun to play with somebody better than you, you learn so much, we really connected on it.

Now, as I sit here and write, I reflect on the career in music that could have been. I used to be saddened by it. I would get downright depressed about not “quitting my day job” and going into music. However, now I don’t care about what I didn’t do. I only relish the moment that we had tonight and what we did do. I realize that, well, that is what music does, it takes you away from taxes and work and unfilled dreams and depression and anxiety. It doesn’t matter if it’s your vocation or avocation, it is there for you. It is a power that captures the breath of God from the air and transforms you into an angel. Yes, an angel, even for a brief second, you become the vessel for transmitting beauty, grace and love from the Great Power. So, it is in fact, music, it's a “living” for me. It is the living power and love of music that echoes in my life from 9, to hopefully 90. I thank God for it, I thank my last band Script for it, I thank Tim and Jomay for it. Importantly, I thank the audience tonight for it, being there with me in it, and giving me the first standing ovation of my life.

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