Friday, March 28, 2008

The Countdown Begins

I plan to start the new job at Helen Newberry Joy Hospital sometime between April 29 and May 5. I will be up at the Naubinway Nook a few days before. The reality of this change of life from being a very busy city doc with a huge practice to starting all over again, really hasn't hit me. I know that being unemployed for over a month is a tremendously rewarding position to be in. It is like having a very small taste of retirement. Already I find myself able to sleep until 0800---something I can't remember doing in 12 years. There is every indication that although I will work hard in my new job, it will not be as stressful as the previous one. In any case, I know I have been given a precious gift---over four weeks off in a row is something only the time managers in the wealthiest sense achieve. Examples? Perhaps a university professor with his sabbatical. Or, perhaps the minister of a church who has served for over a decade is awarded his or her sabbatical. The word sabbatical is something I haven't had to spell in a long time. I must confess, I just had to look it up to see if it had one or two b's. It also just occured to me, for the first time, that the roots for sabbath and sabbatical are the same. It should be something to be reverred, and I will cherish it. As fara as mine being completely holy I will not so profess---I plan to do some very selfish things within, such as catch a few trout on new streams and certainly, share a Yuengling with a friend or two. Nevertheless, I have spent my time in prayer and thank the Almighty heartily for this new opportunity, this gift, this sabath in my life if you will.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Test Entry

This is a test entry to confirm that the naubinwaynook blog works.