Thursday, August 7, 2008


Time to play catch-up on the Nook happenings. The weather has been so incredible. Almost every day is sunny, warm and breezy now for the past two weeks. I make it a point to include vital elements into every one of my days. First, I get up and make coffee, the brain at 50 doesn’t work without it. Then, I try to spend a few minutes talking to God. He’s the only one that listens to my complaints regularly. Then I either bike or kayak, depending on the weather. If I am working that day, I go to work, if not, I try to do a fun thing with my wife and family. That could mean touring, fishing, hiking or just cooking a meal together. Then, I always need to include some work in my day. My friend Dave told me the other day I have “hyperactivity disorder” because of that. I can work long and hard when I need to. Not, mind you, like Ed, but I make a pretty good show of it. If I am at the job, then the fun comes after—such as shooting clays or archery, or kayaking. I find this balance is amazingly therapeutic. Throughout the day I ponder this balance as I look at the sunrise and sunset from my southerly view, and then I also see the golden/orange moon sit down over my “front yard” now on a daily basis. I am so wonderfully blessed with this place, I can’t get enough of it.

A patient came up to me tonight at Jeffy’s first football practice and asked why I was here because he heard I was on vacation. Did you go anywhere? He asked. I told him that all my life I have been trying to get up here for all of my vacations. I told him that everything I need is here, that I don’t every want to leave. I expected him to grunt, or chuckle, but he just looked off at the boys conditioning on the football field, turned to me, and grinned. He didn’t say a word, just smiled. It was all we both needed, because he obviously feels the same way.

As Jeff walked out onto the football practice field for the first time tonight, not knowing a single boy, my heart bled for him. I could not imagine doing that, pulling up cold, coming from the “big city” to a small country town and school, not knowing what to expect, how I would be treated, etc. I prayed and hope for the elements to come together for him. He was only there a minute or two when another boy came up and introduced himself. Then I saw him take Jeff around and introduce him to the other boys. Turns out that was the varsity coach’s son. Ironic in that I was talking with the varsity coach at the same time. The varsity coach was there to help out, and was telling me about all the boys, how so many of them were strait A students, and polite and hard working, etc. He told me that these boys stick together, they encourage one another, and seek for the right “elements”.

As those boys left the practice field, I noted how red-faced and dirty they were, they were worked hard, to a horses “lather”. Yet, every ONE of them was smiling. As Jeff and I drove home, I asked him how it went. He said it was very cool, that they were all really nice, and encouraging. He really liked what the Coach said about life---that this is what is important, in this order: 1. God. 2. Family. 3. Football. 4. Hunting. I really can’t argue with that. I might put fishing ahead of Football, but, the point is made. Those are the correct elements. It was an incredible delight to see Jeff so happy, finding his own elements come together. At this point, it is like Findlay, Ohio is already a nice memory, not a sore spot. He has adapted, he has improvised, he has overcome. He has garnered his elements together, on the first practice. I only wish I could have done so well at 13!!!

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